Manual Arts High School Rotc
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Please go to JROTC's new website at:
Manual Arts High School Alumni Class List. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Manual Arts High Schoolin Los Angeles, California. If you see your name among the Manual Arts High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Register to let. Manual Arts High School JROTC. Battalion Instructors. Upcoming Events: BN History: Instructors: Battalion Staff.
Preparing for leadership roles
The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program prepares high school cadets for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school and provides instruction and rewarding opportunities which will benefit the cadet, the community, and the nation.
Leadership Education and Training
Within the JROTC program, Leadership Education and Training (LET) motivates JROTC cadets through Leadership Lab, Citizenship and a number of other courses presented during the school year.
Specialized course offerings
Cadets learn military drill, which teaches team work and discipline. Command Voice teaches the cadet not only how to give commands but also how to project his or her voice. First Aid, Map Reading, Techniques of Communication, and other sub-courses are offered during the school year.
Academies and Special Programs
Preparing for leadership roles
The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program prepares high school cadets for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school and provides instruction and rewarding opportunities which will benefit the cadet, the community, and the nation.
Leadership Education and Training
Within the JROTC program, Leadership Education and Training (LET) motivates JROTC cadets through Leadership Lab, Citizenship and a number of other courses presented during the school year.
Specialized course offerings
Cadets learn military drill, which teaches team work and discipline. Command Voice teaches the cadet not only how to give commands but also how to project his or her voice. First Aid, Map Reading, Techniques of Communication, and other sub-courses are offered during the school year.