Mass Effect 2 Import Bonuses
I imagined that many people posting in this thread about importing characters from MASS EFFECT 1 to MASS EFFECT 2 would have played and would be familiar with MASS EFFECT 1 and might have suggestions as to a fun class to play in a second run through MASS EFFECT 1. This will land you a bonus skill point, which you can use by instituting the Retrain Powers upgrade. Repeat this process for additional skill points; one at a time! Prequel bonuses: - Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses. Interesting stuff on the bonuses. From other dev posts elsewhere on those forums, the two biggest things for bonuses are the Rich achievement and getting to level 60. Seems like you can choose between 11 saves to import. Other technical stuff on that as well.

In Mass Effeect 2 for Xbox 360, you can import characters from the first Mass Effect game and receive nice bonuses for doing so.. from credits, to resources, and even free levels.

Mass Effect 2 Import Bonuses Online
Import a level 60 character and you start at level 5, get 50k credits, 4k experience, and 10k of each resource.
Mass Effect 2 Import Bonuses Items
Import a level 50 character and you start with 2k experience, 30k credits, and 5k of each resource.
Mass Effect 2 Import Bonuses Taxed
Import any level character with the Rich Achievement from the first Mass Effect and you receive a bonus of 100k extra credits, on top of what you would get for their level bonuses.